- V. D. Galkin, O. V. Pochinka
Spherical flow diagram with finite hyperbolic chain-recurrent set132-140- V. Z. Grines, D. I. Mints, E. E. Chilina
On perturbations of algebraic periodic automorphisms of a two-dimensional torus141-150- L. S. Solovarova, T. D. Phuong
On the numerical solution of second-order stiff linear differential-algebraic equations151-161- M. E. Fairuzov, F. V. Lubyshev
On an iterative method for solving optimal control problems for an elliptic type system162-174- J. K. Khusanov, A. E. Kaxxorov
On the stability of Lotka-Volterra model with a delay175-184Applied mathematics and mechanics
- S. I. Martynov
Determination of the average electro-thermophoretic force acting on a system of polarizable particles in an inhomogeneously heated fluid185-199- A. O. Syromyasov, A. S. Shurshina, D. V. Galkin
Mathematical study of medicine diffusion from swelling chitosan film200-214Mathematical modeling and computer science
- V. Y. Grishaev, S. M. Muryumin, E. V. Nikishin
Numerical study of the effect of surface recombination on nonlinear and phase distortions arising during the restoration of the optical signal shape215-227Mathematical life