- E. V. Desyaev, P. A. Shamanaev
On periodic solutions of linear inhomogeneous differential equations with a small perturbation at the derivative111-122- V. E. Kruglov, M. S. Rekshinskiy
Generalised Wang's Graph for Morse Flows on Surfaces123-149- F. V. Lubyshev, A. M. Bolotnov, M. E. Fairuzov
Mathematical Models of Joint Calculation of Electric and Thermal Fields in Electrochemical Systems (in Electrolytes)150-158Applied mathematics and mechanics
- E. E. Peskova, V. N. Snytnikov
Numerical Study of Methane Mixtures' Conversion Under the Influence of Laser Radiation159-173Mathematical modeling and computer science
- A. O. Syromyasov, Yu. P. Edeleva
Interaction of a Sparce Particle Stratum with a Constantly Heated Plane in Presence of a Transverse Temperature Gradient174-186Mathematical life