- I. V. Boykov, V. A. Roudnev, A. I. Boykova, N. S. Stepanov
Continuous operator method application for direct and inverse scattering problems247-272- J. I. Buranov, J. K. Khusanov
On stability with respect to the part of variables of a non-autonomous system in a cylindrical phase space273-284- A. A. Kosov
On maintaining the stability of the equilibrium of nonlinear oscillators under conservative perturbations285-294- S. V. Sidorov, E. E. Chilina
On non-hyperbolic algebraic automorphisms of a two-dimensional torus295-307Applied mathematics and mechanics
- U. J. Mizher, V. N. Kovalnogov, P. A. Velmisov
Mathematical modeling of a swirling jet in applications to low-emission combustion of low-grade fuels308-317Mathematical life