ISSN 2079-6900 (Print) 
ISSN 2587-7496 (Online)

Middle Volga Mathematical Society Journal

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Polynomials based methods for linear nonconstant coefficients eigenvalue problems

Florica Ioana Dragomirescu1, Adelina Georgescu2

АннотацияA method based on generalized Jacobi polynomials is proposed to solve the eigenvalue problem governing the Lyapunov stability of the mechanical equilibria of certain fluids occurring in complex circumstances. Two concrete natural convection problems of great interest from the applications point of view are numerically investigated. Fairly accurate approximations of the lower part of the spectrum are given in comparison with other numerical evaluations existing in the literature. \par {\bf Acknowledgement.} This work was supported by the Grant 11/5.06.2009 within the framework of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research - Romanian Academy collaboration.\par {\it AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2000)}: 65L10; 65L15; 65L60;76E06.
Ключевые словаLyapunov stability; high order two-point boundary value problem; spectral methods.

1University "Politehnica" of Timisoara, Department of Mathematics, P-ta Victoriei, No.2, 300006, Timisoara, Romania, ioana.dragomirescu$@$

2Academy of Romanian Scientists, Splaiul Independentei, No. 54, 050094 Bucharest, Romania, adelinageorgescu$@$

Цитирование: Florica Ioana Dragomirescu, Adelina Georgescu Polynomials based methods for linear nonconstant coefficients eigenvalue problems // Журнал Средневолжского математического общества. 2009. Т. 11, № 2. С. 164–170.