On topological conjugacy of 3-manifolds diffeomorphisms with one orbit of heteroclinic tangency
T. M. Mitryakova1, O. V. Pochinka2
Annotation | In present paper we consider a class of 3-manifolds' diffeomorphisms lying on the border of a set of gradient-like systems and different from the last not more than one tangencies' orbits of two-dimensional separatrices. It is proved that for studying diffeomorphisms necessary and sufficient condition for topological conjugacy of two diffeomorphisms from this class is a coincidence of classes of equivalence of their schemes and moduli of stability corresponding tangencies' orbits. |
Keywords | Topological conjugacy, heteroclinic tangencies, moduli of stability. |
1Docent of theory function chair of Nizhny Novgorod State University after N.I. Lobachevsky; tatiana.mitryakova@yandex.ru
2Professor of Information Systems and Technology chair of National Research University Higher School of Economics; olga-pochinka@yandex.ru
Citation: T. M. Mitryakova, O. V. Pochinka, "[On topological conjugacy of 3-manifolds diffeomorphisms with one orbit of heteroclinic tangency]", Zhurnal Srednevolzhskogo matematicheskogo obshchestva,16:2 (2014) 76–79 (In Russian)