Mathematical modeling of reaction cycloalumination of olefins and acetylenes threethylaluminum
L. R. Abzalilova1, S. I. Spivak2
Annotation | The paper presents the results of mathematical modeling of catalytic cycloalumination olefins and acetylenes, kinetic parameters were calculated and analyzed by flow rate limiting steps of the reaction. |
Keywords | mathematical model, direct и inverse kinetic problems, kinetic parametrs |
1Research associate, laboratory of mathematical chemistry, Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis RAS, c. Ufa;
2Head of Laboratoryof mathematical chemistry, Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis RAS, c. Ufa;
Citation: L. R. Abzalilova , S. I. Spivak , "[Mathematical modeling of reaction cycloalumination of olefins and acetylenes threethylaluminum ]", Zhurnal Srednevolzhskogo matematicheskogo obshchestva,15:3 (2013) 35–40 (In Russian)